Garth A. Myers is the director of the Center for Urban and Global Studies and the Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of Urban International Studies. Garth Myers earned a Ph.D. in Geography (1993) from UCLA with an allied field in Urban Planning. Myers has an M.A. (UCLA, 1986) in African Area Studies, with Geography and Urban Planning as the major and minor fields, and a B.A. with Honors in History from Bowdoin College, with concentrations in African and African-American History. He has taught at the University of Kansas, University of Nebraska-Omaha, Miami University (Ohio), California State University at Dominguez Hills, and UCLA. Myers is comfortable with large lecture classes and small seminars. His teaching philosophy rests on a belief in student engagement; the best learning takes place in engaged classrooms, where the professor facilitates student discussion and debate. Myers has conducted research in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa, Finland, and the UK over the past 20 years, and he regularly uses his research to inform his teaching.
Contact: [email protected]
陈向明曾任全球十大网赌正规平台城市与全球研究中心创始院长兼主任、城市与全球研究中心主任, Connecticut from 2007-2019. He is currently Director of the Urban Studies Program and the Paul E. Raether Distinguished Professor of Global Urban Studies and Sociology. 他还在上海复旦大学社会发展与政策学院担任特聘教授,在上海社会科学院研究生院担任兼职教授, China. He is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences. He has taught at Yale University, 并获得了美国学术团体理事会的奖学金和资助, the American Sociological Association, the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Exchange, the Open Society Institute, and the Regional Studies Association. He received his B.A. from Beijing Foreign Studies University and his Ph.D. in sociology from Duke University. He is a co-author, with Anthony Orum, 《全球十大网赌正规平台》(布莱克威尔, 2003); the author of As Borders Bend: Transnational Spaces on the Pacific Rim (Rowman and Littlefield, 2005); the editor of and primary contributor to Shanghai Rising: State Power and Local Transformations in a Global Megacity (University of Minnesota Press, 2009); the lead editor, with Ahmed Kanna, 《全球十大网赌正规平台》(劳特利奇), 2012); a co-author, with Anthony Orum and Krista Paulsen, 《全球十大网赌正规平台》(威利-布莱克威尔, 2012, second edition, 2018); the lead editor, with Nick Bacon, 面对城市遗产:重新发现哈特福德和新英格兰被遗忘的城市(列克星敦出版社), 2013); and a co-editor, with Sharon Zukin and Philip Kasinitz, of Global Cities, Local Streets (Routledge, 2015; Chinese edition, 2016; Korean edition, 2017; and lead author, with Julie Tian Miao and Xue Li, “一带一路”倡议划时代的区划(区域研究协会), 2020).
View Dr. Chen’s extended bio and faculty profile.
Contact: [email protected]
Gabby Nelson is Associate Director of the Center for Urban and Global Studies. Gabby manages operations, events, research and engagement opportunities for students, communications, and supports CUGS visiting faculty and academic programs. Gabby received an M.A. 在全球十大网赌正规平台获得公共政策学士学位和城市规划硕士学位,并获得学士学位.A. in urban studies and minor in Spanish from the University of Connecticut. 她在研究生期间进行了住房政策的研究,并撰写了题为“哈特福德和纽黑文的社区发展公司和邻里稳定”的硕士论文, CT.作为一名狂热的园丁,Gabby在业余时间在哈特福德种植切花、蔬菜和草药.
Contact: [email protected]
Laura Humm Delgado is Assistant Professor in Urban Studies. She is an urban planning scholar and former practitioner.  她拥有麻省理工学院城市规划硕士学位和城市与区域规划博士学位, and she previously worked for the City of Boston researching affordable housing, homeownership, land use, and abandoned properties.  Her research focuses on housing and community development, including the role of community-based organizations and public agencies, in U.S. cities.  她最近的研究着眼于公共图书馆,以及它们如何利用社区资源促进移民在社区层面的融合.  此前,她的研究涉及止赎危机、中产阶级化和无家可归.  She has experience teaching housing and community development, research methods, urban planning history and theory, and GIS at MIT and Boston University.  As a teacher, 她重视以讨论为基础的课程,并鼓励学生将体验式学习融入他们的课程中.
Contact: [email protected]

肖恩·菲茨帕特里克是公共政策和城市研究实践教授. He is one of the core professors in the graduate certificate in urban planning.  Prior to joining the Trinity faculty, 菲茨帕特里克教授是哈特福德市市长卢克·布洛宁领导下的发展服务主任, 在那里,他倡导宪法广场作为教育和科技创新中心的复兴.  他还成功完成了前任市长政府陷入困境的体育场项目, Dunkin’ Donuts Park, and launched the initiative that brought a professional soccer franchise, Hartford Athletic, to a newly-renovated Dillon Stadium in 2019.  Fitzpatrick先生此前曾担任纽约港务局主席的幕僚长 & New Jersey, John Degnan, 是谁在2013年桥门丑闻后被任命领导该机构的改革工作.  Before entering government service, he spent two decades in the insurance industry, 帮助建立了Metro Hartford最成功的保险初创企业之一, Executive Risk, 后来在Chubb和the Hartford担任高级管理职位.  Fitzpatrick began his career in private law practice in Washington, DC, 在哪里他代表联邦存款保险机构在审判和上诉诉讼引起的储蓄和贷款危机. From 2002 through 2011, 菲茨帕特里克曾在康涅狄格大学法学院担任讲师, where he taught courses in professional liability and insurance law.  从2010年到2018年,他是美国法律研究所就职典礼的顾问 Restatement of the Law of Liability Insurance (2019).
Contact: [email protected]

Arianna J. King holds a Ph.D. 《全球十大网赌正规平台》(2023),来自杜兰大学的城市、文化和社区项目. Prior to doctoral study, she earned a B.A. 2006年毕业于马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆市布兰迪斯大学,获得哲学与美术硕士学位.S. 在新奥尔良大学的城市研究(2015),重点是城市规划 & Urban Anthropology. Dr. King致力于使用结合历史的跨学科方法, geographical, 以及人类学的理论和方法来探索我们的全球城市世界和城市中普通人的日常实践. 她的教学理念是以人为本的研究为基础,帮助学生更好地理解城市研究之间的交叉点, gender studies, market trading, urban planning policy, and public space. 阿里安娜目前正在根据她的论文手稿:超越市场的墙壁:在海岸角市场现代化的民族志.
Shoshana Goldstein is Visiting Assistant Professor in Urban Studies. 她是一名学者和城市规划师,拥有新学院国际事务硕士学位, 在那里,她专注于比较印度和中国的城市发展经验, and a PhD in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University, with specializations in international planning, South Asian History, and Landscape Architecture. 她的研究调查了印度和北美城市规划的历史, exploring themes of mobility justice, housing precarity, and placemaking among marginal and migrant communities. Prior to earning her doctorate, 戈尔茨坦曾在印度中国研究所工作,并担任联合国经济和社会事务部和联合国儿童基金会的顾问. She has taught intro and advanced GIS for planners, courses on migration, infrastructure, and housing.



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